GOD JINX: Curse & Condemn
This is a god that moves into the form of the person who abides by it. She possesses those who summon his language and synchronize to its emotional depths of anger and rage. Jinx is a god that is cursed with evil intentions and is afflicted by a fear that is disguised as a powerful seeming fury.
Not only is this god afflicted, but it is also disturbed by its resistance to accepting peace and harmony. It is almost as if it were allergic to conversations that instill peace and positive affirmations. It cannot survive in environments that contain the aroma of affection and where tender feelings are conjured. Instead, it thrives in the presence of utter profanities, chaos, tribulation, and conflict.
You can experience the presence of Jinx as you engage in conversations that curse the name of God, and that curse the name of Jesus. It fuels hate in the hearts and minds that hold onto anger and choose to express it verbally. Jinx is accessed through speech and thoughts that are consumed by hate toward god and anything righteous. This god is also accessed when people respond negatively toward unpleasant situations that contradict initial expectations.
What does it do for people? It provides a false sense of power and control that isn’t real—it is defective. People are attracted to possessing power and freedom of speech, which makes this god accessible in moments of hateful speech and word vomit. People do not realize that when they curse the name of God and Jesus Christ, they are extending an invitation onto Anathematiss to dominate their words and control their oaths.
Sheff G – Moody (Official Video)
Listen to the single “Moody”. Out now! Stream: https://empire.ffm.to/sheffg_moody #SheffG #Moody #WinnersCircle Official Video by Sheff G – Moody © 2020 Winn…
The cursing happens when things do not go our way. When our plans fall apart, it is so easy to curse in the name of our Creator. We curse in the name of Jesus Christ, when we are alone, and when we cannot find solutions to our dilemmas. So, we utter profanities, and it is easier to be angry than it is to have faith and have hope. Those who curse in the times of discouragement and disillusionment are those that speak against Almighty God. And they speak words that are creating hostile environments for themselves and others.
Only those who lose control and hold grudges in their hearts curse the name of the Creator of all things. There is no honor nor respect towards God the Father. Instead, there is only regard for self-fulfillment and satisfaction of the flesh.
“The words we speak says a lot about what abides in our hearts.”
#hexgod #curseofanathematiss #blasphemoustongue #blasphemymadeflesh #blasphemylaw #cursedmind #cursedheart
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