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people will die today
Make No Mistake (About It), Your Evil
Why do we like the sound of the word mistake verses to the word evil? Anyone of us can make 1,000,000 mistakes but not 1 evil… I think God says it right; we like to do evil and their not called mistakes.
Isaiah 5:20 Quote: How we like to view ourselves
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that change darkness into light, and light into darkness; that change bitter into sweet, and sweet into bitter!
3+ Mistake Quotes by Famous People
- “I maybe made some mistakes, but I’m only human” ~ Eminem
- “It’s ok to make a mistake, just please don’t make it twice” ~Rihanna
- “A mistake is to commit a misunderstanding.” ~Bob Dylan
- “After you make a fool of yourself a few hundred times, you learn what works.” ~ Gwen Stefani
How You View Evil Today: I Am Not Evil!
It’s a lot easier to rename the name of evil by naming evil as a mistake. This makes it ok to hide from the name of evil. Mistakes make evil invisible. Who really likes to be called evil? Try this >>> I made a mistake. -OR- I am evil.
Compare the Words Mistake to the Words Evil
Here is a list of mistake words
error, fault, inaccuracy, omission, slip, blunder, miscalculation, misunderstanding, oversight, misinterpretation, gaffe, faux pas, solecism; slip of the tongue, eggcorn; informalslip-up, boo-boo, blooper, boner, goof, flub, go wrong, err, make an error, blunder, miscalculate; informal-slip up, make a boo-boo, drop the ball, goof (up)
Here is a list of evil words
bother, curse, detestation, horror, nuisance, plague, torment, abomination, barbarity, brutality, crime, enormity, infamy, inhumanity, iniquity, monstrosity, offense, outrage, ruthlessness, savagery, viciousness, destructive, base, corrupt, criminal, delinquent, iniquitous, mean, reprobate, sinful, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked, vindictive
10 Mistake Words = 10 Evil Words
- error = vile
- fault = curse
- slip = nuisance
- misunderstanding = crime
- boo-boo = delinquent
- goof = vindictive
- err = corrupt
- blunder = sinful
- miscalculate = wicked
- drop the ball = mean
What People Are Saying
Knowing About Evil is Unpopular in Church
I grew up in the church. My father would take me to church every single Sunday. But that was not enough. So we would go every single Wednesday too. That’s twice a week. Oddly… The church never taught me about evil. So… I left.
Evil Me shows you how evil you really are. Evil is something we do not like to admit. So we make mistakes but never evil. But here’s the truth: everyone is evil, and is capable of doing more evil. So there you have it, we are all evil, but trying to look good.
Can You See Your Evil?
Yes – I’ve Never Been a Good Person (I See). No – I’ve Always Been a Good Person. (I Can’t See)
For judgment have I come into this world, that those that see not may see, and that those that see may become blind. If you were blind, you would not have sin; but now you say: we see: your sin remains. (Jn. 9:39,41)
If you believe you’re a good person you’ll still remain in your sins. If you did not know the meaning of sin that’s ok. I did not know it either. So the meaning of sin is missing the mark, and violating Gods instructions. Coming up next I’m going to share with you more about specific sins.
Your Evil
It maybe kinda-of-wierd to think of yourself as appearing to be beautiful on the outside and inside your awfully ugly full of all kinds of evils. All you really do is go around doing evil wicked heinous things.
All These Wicked Things
Out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, lewdness, thefts, murders, adulteries, covetousness, wicked counsels, deceit, wantonness, an evil eye, blasphemy, haughtiness, folly: all these wicked things proceed from within, and defile a man. (Mark 7:21-23)

Good deeds, good works, and good things that you do are good. Evil deeds, evil works, and evil things that you do are evil. So all of the good deeds that you accumulate in your lifetime cannot cancel out 1 of your evil deeds. Good works do not erase, cross-out, or substitute each other for the evil things that you have done that are evil.
Get Safe And Sound
You’ll never be the same person if God chose you and you receive Him. It’s God’s love and mercy given to you to believe in the Son of God to be forgiven of all your evil wicked heinous things that you love to do.
He that believes on him is not condemned: he that believes not is condemned already, because he has not believed on the name of the only begotten Son of God. (John 3:18)
I Care About You
Learn how to BELIEVE
is a free online Gospel designed on the Codex Sinaticus. It’s for you to know how to believe or you will die in your evil wicked sins. God gives you a resurrection to life or a resurrection to death. Heaven or Hell. I hope you believe.
the right to become children of God, to those that believe
Can you see Your Evil?
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~ Hello, I share tips to help you rethink the mix-ups about who you (we) really are ~John Landt